Monthly Archives: March 2012

Dependency Injection- simplified

I heard this term ‘Dependency Injection’ (DI) a couple of months back, and since then it was at back of my mind and I was planning to read about it. It sounded like some mysterious concept, but it turned out to be a simple one.

DI (or Inversion of Control) is nothing but transferring responsibility of initialization of instance variable to the calling class. This helps in loose coupling and testing of classes.

A very good post on the topic:

Additional Info:

Using Reflection with Android

Faced an interesting problem today. In my android app I needed to show some random strings on the UI (textview).  So obvious solution was to add the strings in string.xml (for supproting i18n), and then fetch the text based on the random number generated.


or if random number is 2


and so on

I realized that only change happening is the last one digit, so this is a good candidate for using reflections.

Class c =  Class.forName("$string");
Field field = c.getDeclaredField("tip_"+tip);

But this actually gave an Exception for ClassCast, so I realized that field.get(null) is actually returning the resource Id (as shown in class) instead of string value.

The fix found was to use getResources().getString(resource_id) to fetch the string from the resource id

Class c =  Class.forName("$string");
Field field = c.getDeclaredField("tip_"+tip);

Isolation levels of a database

In my last post I talked about ACID properties of the database. Out of these, Isolation is one of the most important (and a bit complex) property as this makes sure that no “dirty-ready” occur. There can be various levels of database isolation.

1. Read Uncommitted: Lowest level of isolation, does not implement any checks, a transaction can read while other transaction is writing and hence dirty read can happen.

2. Read Committed. Reads only committed data. Handles dirty read problem. But say in same transaction, the data for a row in table is read multiple times, and if the data gets updated by some other transaction and committed, between the gap period of the two reads in this transaction, the transaction has read different data at different time intervals for same row.

e.g. select name from employee where id=10;

— do something which takes time

select name from employee where id=10;


The data can change between the two reads

3. Repeatable Reads: This solves the problem mentioned above with the Read Committed. That is, this level does not allow any modifications or deletion in the data which is being accessed by some other transaction. So in last example, if we read the same data multiple times, it is guaranteed to return the same info. Though we cannot update or delete the data in table being accessed by a transaction, we can still add more data. So if the query was

select name from employee;

instead of select name from employee where id=10;

we still could have different data set.

4. Serializable: This is the highest level of restriction added on transactions. This states, that no updation, deletion or addition can happen on a dataset/ table which is being accessed by another transaction. This will solve the problem which is mentioned in previous example. But the solution comes at a high cost as this restriction level will slow down the rate of transactions being executed.

ACID test for your database

ACID is a set of properties that each database system needs to guarantee in order to make sure that all the transactions will be processed reliably

Atomicity: A transaction is always committed as a full. That means if the transaction had 10 statements, all 10 are executed fully and committed. A partial execution of transaction will never occur.

Consistency: Database state is always stable. So if a transaction moves database from state A to B, both states are stable.

Isolation: All transactions will execute in isolation and do not interfere with one another (one transaction is updating the data and other is reading at the same time – dirty read is handled).

Durability: Once a transaction is committed, the changes will not be reverted by some hardware or software failure.

Interesting Java Facts

I am working with Java for more than 7 years now and still it surprises me with some very basic stuff

Can you guess what is the output of this statement in Java

System.out.println(1+2+” = “+1+2);


Why? Apparently Java starts treating everything as a String once it has encountered a string in System out statement