Azure Virtual Network Connectivity

There are two major ways to connect virtual Networks, i.e. VNet peering and Virtual Network Gateway.

VNet Peering: If both the virtual networks that you are trying to connect are on Azure, the best and simplest approach to create a connection is using Virtual Network Peering. One can create local VNet peering for connecting virtual networks in the same region, or Global VNet peering for VNets in different regions.

An important point to note here is, that if you have created VNet peering between network A and network B, it does not automatically mean connectivity will be there from network B to A as well. One needs to create an additional peering from B to A. Also, VNet peering is not transitive, that is A to B connectivity and B to C connectivity do not mean an automatic A to C connectivity.

Virtual Network Gateways: A Virtual Network Gateway needs to be deployed in its own Subnet, so you will start by creating a special “Gateway Subnet”. After this, you create two virtual network gateways in this subnet, for example, one for Virtual network A and another for B. And after that, you can create a connection between the two networks. Again you will need to create a separate connection from A to B and B to A as per the requirement.

Azure DNS: It is a Service for hosting your domain name system record. You can not only create a public domain, but also a private domain accessible from within virtual networks.

You start by creating a DNS zone and adding records. Type A record will map a domain name to an IP address. A CName record will provide an alias for existing domain, for example, can be an alias for