2-3 Trees, B Trees and B+ Trees

Recently I wrote about Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree and Red- Black trees. Here I will cover basics of other important tree structures.

2-3 Tree: In a binary search tree, we have a restriction that each node can have 2 children. In 2-3 tree, the restriction is relaxed a bit and each node can have 2 or 3 children, and node itself can contain 1 or 2 data values. 1 data value will correspond to 2 child nodes, same as BST. In case of 2 data values, the the child nodes are divided into 3, one values smaller than left node, second child has values between first and second values, and right child has values greater than both the node values.

An Example


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B- Tree: B tree is modified BST or 2-3 trees to support systems which supports sequential and blocks read. Each node can store N values and have N+1 number of children.


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B+ tree:
B+ tree is form of B tree with an addition that actual node values/ objects are stored at leaf nodes, and intermediary nodes only have keys used for reaching leafs.

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