Listening is a very important skill for any leader.
The artical talks about how the importance of this skills increases multifold when it comes to a crisis situation. The improtance of Listening is in the fact that one cannot have all the information or perspectives. So it important to have discussions with team members and get different perspective.
Th article focuses on that fact that information available at the top level might be different from ground reality. This is another important reason to “listen” to diversified groups at different levels to not make biased decisions.
“Then there’s the echo chamber. Whether we know it or not, most of us gravitate to people (and information) that confirm things we already think and believe. We’re drawn to individuals and ideas that concur with, and even end up shaping, our worldview. “
Someone living in silos is bound to be away from ground reality and might convince himself that “this is not going to happen to me”, and take incorrect decisions. It might be too late in the game when they realise their mistake and it is difficult to make ammendemnts at that time.
We tend to downplay or dismiss threats along the lines of “it’ll never happen to me, and even if it does, it won’t be that bad.” And when the chips finally do fall, we can become anchored to one particular plan or solution, even as the crisis shifts or changes direction. We may continue down one path long after it makes sense to do so, because of sunk costs: “we’ve come this far; it’s too late to change course.”