Cloud has changed the way we used to think about application design. We need to make sure we are using cloud capabilities to the fullest so that we are able to create the applications in a manner that are more robust, and can withstand changing load and unexpected failures. To start with, when one starts designing the application, consider the following points are addressed.
Scalability: Perhaps the single keyword that has helped make cloud popular. Whenever we start talking about cloud-based systems, the image that comes to our mind is of an elastic infrastructure that can grow or shrink based on user needs, or in more technical terms, the application should be able to scale out and scale in. Microservices based design is synonymous with a scalable system, where each microservice can independently scale irrespective of the rest of the system.
Security: We know that cloud-based systems work on shared responsibility where a part of the responsibility to secure the system lies on the development team. Cloud provides us with a lot of features that can be used to secure the system but it is the onus of the development team to understand the capabilities of cloud and implement security as per application needs. Some of the common best practices are- use of Virtual Networks to isolate infrastructure, use firewalls and security groups, use Identity features like IAM to control infrastructure access, use Encryptions and out of the box tools like DDOS security from cloud service providers.
Performance: Cloud gives development teams a lot of power in terms of choosing from different services and infrastructure range, but it is the responsibility of the developers to understand their performance needs and choose options accordingly. One needs to understand which operations are critical and what can be done at the background asynchronously. Performance tests based on the load expected and make sure you have the required capabilities assigned.
Availability: Cloud is famous for providing the availability of more than 99% for most of its services. At times you have to pay for extra reliability you need. Also, you will need to understand the concepts of availability zones and geographies to make sure you are using the capabilities to the fullest. If your application is using multiple services, you need to understand the availability promise of each of the services as you can commit availability based on the weakest link in the chain.
Cost Optimization: Mostly undermined, but one of the most important factors when using the cloud. With the ease of boarding on to new infrastructure and services, developers at times fall into trap of over-provisioning the infrastructure, leaving capabilities unused, not freeing up unused resources, etc. Thankfully most cloud service providers give you a tool to monitor the usage of infrastructure and even have tools that can help you optimize your cost.
Automation: Cloud service providers provide us with tools for setting up infrastructure as code. The idea is to automate the process of setting up all infrastructure needs to avoid human failure. This also helps in restoring failed services automatically.
Handling Failures: Moving to the cloud also needs one to understand what can go wrong and how to handle those situations. For example, Microservices based architecture helps one to develop a system that is scalable and maintainable, but it also brings in a risk that with multiple microservices we have multiple things that can fail. Does our design take into account what will happen if one or more services are down?
Monitoring: Once an application is deployed to a production environment, you do not have any control our how your code and infrastructure will behave. If any problem is faced, logs are your only friends. Plus if you can have monitoring and alerting system in place you can detect and act upon potential issues before end customers start noticing them. Again cloud service providers provide us with tools for monitoring and alerting infrastructure and code level logs. We need to make sure we consider what options we can use while we are in designing the solution.