At times we hear news like data by a big software company was compromised. Cloud gives us a lot of capabilities, but along with that comes certain vulnerabilities. As now anyone can access resources on the cloud, it is important that proper security measures are thought of while designing the system. Let’s take a look at some of the core security areas to be considered when designing for Cloud
Infrastructure Access: Who can access a service or a filesystem or a database. What kind of access is required? How can the resources be accessed? One needs to answer these questions before getting started with the application development process. Role-based access is an important tool that can help architects making sure proper security. For example, a user or an application might just need read access on file system or database, then rules should not allow any read or update access.
Traceability: Most cloud service providers allow you to see any changes being done on infrastructure. You can monitor which resources were updated by whom and when.
Layered Approach: When implementing security, most cloud service providers encourage layered approach. That is, implement security rules at different layers like a load balancer, application server, application code, database and so on. So that even in case one layer is compromised, your core application and data are still secured.
Encrypt Data at rest and transit: cloud service provider providers mechanism to secure your data at rest and in transit. Encryption is one big tool in your arsenal, for example, a simple step of using HTTPS against HTTP will ensure your data is encrypted and secured while in transit. Similarly, most cloud service providers have encryption available of disks and databases to help secure the data.
Data type specific security: You also need to understand that there will be certain needs specific to the type of data you are storing, for example, if you are storing healthcare-related data, you will need to understand HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) needs, for finance-related data you might want to check PCI (Payment Card Industry) data standards. Also, there might be region-specific needs like in Europe we have GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation for personal data.